Our Features

創新 Innovation

Developing innovative formulations based on market research, leading trends.

創意 Creativity

Providing creative ideas to help you express your brand’s unique beauty.

精準 Precision

Tailored products hitting exact consumer pain points.

8 Core advantages

亞洲供應鏈 Asian Supply Chain


LWe collaborate with multiple manufacturers in Japan, Korea, and China to design solutions that best meet customer needs based on their budget.

專利技術和獨特配方 Patented Technology and Unique Formulations


We own patented technologies that significantly enhance product value and uniqueness, offering what other manufacturers cannot. With extensive experience in natural, organic, and functional formulations, we develop high-quality products that align with market trends.

25年配方開發經驗 25 Years of Formulation Development Experience 


Our rapid prototyping capabilities allow us to design formulations and create product prototypes in a short time, speeding up product launch. In-depth market research ensures our products meet market demands and consumer preferences.

嚴格的品質控制 Strict Quality Control


We maintain a stringent quality management system, conducting thorough quality checks and controls at every stage, from raw material selection to final product. We assist brand owners with various tests (e.g., stability testing, total bacterial count) to ensure product safety.

Outstanding Customer Service 卓越的客戶服務

We offer one-on-one dedicated service throughout the entire process, from initial concept to final product, ensuring every detail meets the brand owner’s needs. Renowned for fast and efficient communication and responsiveness, we solve brand owners’ issues and needs quickly, ensuring project completion on time.


市場認可 Market Recognition

幫助知名寵物清潔品牌旺芙打造出多項熱門系列,包含燕麥系列、馬油系列和mooncat貓咪清潔慕斯系列,在美國、中國與台灣都打出良好口碑。業界獨創2合1蓓膚美蒸氣眼膜,做出業界首創溫感舒緩x 精油保養 2 in 1,集結眼膜與蒸氣眼罩優點於一身的美肌蒸氣眼膜,一片能達到42度恆溫舒緩,幫助保養精華持續釋放,獨家AME專利技術,懶人護膚必備。

We have helped the renowned pet cleaning brand “ArfArf” create several popular series, including the Oatmeal Series, Horse Oil Series, and Mooncat Cat Cleaning Mousse Series, earning a good reputation in the U.S., China, and Taiwan. We pioneered the industry with our 2-in-1 “Beauty Steam Eye Mask,” combining the benefits of eye masks and steam eye patches. This innovative product provides a consistent 42°C soothing temperature, helping to continuously release nourishing essences, making it an essential for lazy skincare routines.

創新與永續發展 Innovation and Sustainability


Committed to environmental protection and sustainability, we use eco-friendly materials and sustainable production processes, meeting modern consumers’ demand for green products. We continuously innovate and upgrade our products to stay at the forefront of the industry.

靈活性和客製化 Flexibility and Customization 


We offer both small-batch trial production and large-scale production based on brand owners’ needs. Our highly customized services include designing unique product formulations and packaging suggestions according to specific requirements.

OEM Production Process

適合想研發新商品 or已有配方想代工的品牌
Suitable for brands that want to develop new products or have existing formulas for OEM production.

Understanding Customer Needs

Research and Development Sampling

Formula Confirmation

GMP Production Manufacturing

Quality Inspection

Packaging and Shipping

Plan First, Act Later

開架大眾通用 Mass Market Products 


Moisturizing creams, serums, and gentle cleansers, affordable and suitable for all skin types.

電商小資創業 E-commerce for Small Entrepreneurs 


High-concentration serums and multifunctional masks, creative and attractive, ideal for startups.

專櫃高級訂製專櫃高級訂製 High-End Custom Counter Products 


Anti-aging serums, firming creams, and eye creams, deeply nourishing and luxurious.



For example, the minimum order quantity for pet shampoo is one metric ton of raw materials. If the unit size is 500ml, the minimum order quantity is 2,000 bottles. Please note that the basic production quantity varies for each product and requires further discussion and communication. Some custom packaging may require a higher minimum order quantity.

首先我們會先確定您的產品和品牌目標,然後創建定制能符合您產品需求的配方。我們會請您提交一份產品列表,之後會將之與我們的研發團隊一同討論。一旦確認了使用的配方成分,我們將會在10 -14個工作天內寄送樣品給您以供審核。

irst, we will determine your product and brand goals, then create a custom formulation to meet your product needs. We will ask you to submit a product list, which we will discuss with our R&D team. Once the formulation ingredients are confirmed, we will send samples for your review within 10-14 working days.


Delivery times for the first order are longer due to PIF and related testing, but subsequent orders will be faster. Delivery times may be extended for large projects and during peak seasons.


A fee of NTD 2,000 will be charged for each sample request. If the initial order amount exceeds NTD 150,000, 50% of the sample fee will be refunded. If the order amount exceeds NTD 200,000, 70% will be refunded. If the order amount exceeds NTD 300,000, 100% will be refunded. Special situations and requests may incur additional sample fees.


This is generally not recommended due to formulation stability issues, but you can specify or supply certain ingredients (subject to stability testing). Our core is a formulation laboratory, offering many exclusive formulations and patented technologies for your use.


We welcome you to provide your own packaging and labels. Just send us samples to check compatibility with our filling equipment. If you prefer, we can supply packaging through our reliable suppliers, compatible with our tools and equipment.


Yes, please provide enough sample products for reference. Replication typically mimics texture and effect, as full ingredient replication is not possible. We will create a product as close as possible to the sample.

當確定了所有細節(如所選產品 / 包材 / 數量 / 標籤要求和成品細節等)後,才能確定項目的總估算成本。客製化的成分會收取額外費用。

The total estimated cost of the project can be determined once all details (such as selected products, packaging, quantity, label requirements, and finished product details) are confirmed. Customized ingredients will incur additional charges.


Once your detailed items and specifics are confirmed and you place an order, we will send a contract with all details via email to avoid misunderstandings. We must receive the signed contract, all required forms and items, and the deposit before including your product in the production schedule. General delivery time is 6 to 12 working days, depending on project size,seasonality and PIF, but may vary due to production planning issues, supplier delays, workload, or other uncontrollable factors.

我們非常致力於為客戶提供隱私政策。與客戶協議洽談流程中,可以先簽屬保密協議NDA與國際貿易採購合約 。若您還有其他文件需要我們簽署,我們會在開始您的項目之前查看並簽署這些文件。 注意:若您的其他文件有更改原來合同項目的意圖,那麼我們將會拒絕簽署。

We are committed to providing a privacy policy for our customers. During the negotiation process, we can sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and an international trade procurement contract. If you have other documents requiring our signature, we will review and sign them before starting your project. Note: If your documents alter the original contract terms, we will refuse to sign.